The mischievous Noah Wall from the British Cumbria was six years ago born with a hersenmassa of less than two percent. Up to five times received the parents ‘ advice to take the pregnancy to stop. But they put by. Just as Noah itself. His third was, his brain has increased to 80 percent. Today, he can a lot of things that the doctors never thought was possible.
The limits of medicine, seem to have no grip on Maddie’s Wall. Doctors recommended six years ago, the pregnant Michelle ‘Shelly’ Wall, and her husband, Rob, for having an abortion. The child in Shelly’s belly was hardly a brain to have, was suffering from spina bifida (open spine), had a waterhoofdje. His chances of survival were, according to the doctors was anyway very small, and if he is it would come, he would of his chest down paralyzed and severely disabled. Mama Shelly remembers forever that she the terrible news was on “the eleventh of the eleventh month in 2011 to eleven hours.”
Five times the parents would the medical opinion of abortion in the wind store. “Maybe because we’re somewhat older parents were, and because positive,” said father Rob about that in Good Morning Britain . Rob is now 53, his wife Shelly 47. “We wanted Noah to take his chance at life award.” The Walls also had two older daughters.