Earlier this month, joked the american artist Ariana Grande (25) about its own tatoveringsblemme after she had tattooed the name of a japanese charcoal grill, or the like on the american is directly translated to “Japanese style bbq grill”.

Rape, substance abuse and would secure the characterize Lady gaga’s life

on Thursday, this week did, however, Grande confirmed that she is not the only thing that has been feiltatovert the last time. In a post on his Instagram profile, type namely, “A Star Is Born”-star, Lady Gaga (32), that a musical crisis is averted.

was Missing one detail

On his arm, Gaga got tattooed a stave, consisting of five parallel lines on which notes in a piece of music is written on. The only problem was that Gaga basically only had been tattooed four lines, as in the musical world is very wrong.

“After too many tequila-shots was the fifth line, the forgotten, the poor. Here it is correct”, she writes under a picture where you clearly see that she has corrected the error.

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Musical crisis averted. Too many tequilas forgot the fifth staff line poor thing. Here’s the real deal