A mixture of smoke from Siberia’s mining and snowfall has resulted in there now is falling black snow in northern Russia.

Among other things, in the area of Kuzbass, where the citizens are concerned for their health because of the dark masses, which fall from the sky.

even Though it looks funny, it is actually an environmental and health disaster for the 2.6 million residents in the area. The average life expectancy in the area is between three and four years shorter than the rest of Russia.

Men can expect to live to 66 years, while women on average, 77 years.

in Addition, there are far more in Kuzzbass who will be affected by cancer and tuberculosis, compared with the rest of the country.

– It’s harder to find white snow than black snow in the winter, says Vladimir Slivyak, from the center for biological diversity Ecodefense to The Guardian and continues:

– There is a lot of coal dust in the air all the time. When the snow falls, it becomes visible. The rest of the year, you can’t see it, but it is there.

the Dust contains, among other heavy metals arsenic and mercury, which as you know is very toxic even in small doses.

Community – 5. feb. 2019 – at. 17:42 DMI in stormy weather: ‘Such touch’