does anyone else remember the census in the eighties? You should take place in 1983, officials should go door-to-door and collect data. There was a fierce resistance, a law student, and two lawyers were before the Federal constitutional court and were right – that was the birth of the Right to informational self-determination. It’s not that the citizens know who own what data from it, the court at the end of 1983 and declared the law unconstitutional. “Who is unsure whether deviant behaviour at any time recorded and the Information permanently stored, used or disseminated, will try not to come to that kind of behaviour to attract attention,” said the judge, and that hinders the free development of the personality. The count took place in a limited Form in 1987. Although the data processing had not long since taken on the current extent, recognized the judges of its potential. Trivial data.

How true, for each date that appears to be individually inconsequential, is part of a digital mosaic. The data of the Individual are threatened today much stronger, but not by the state, but especially by him, because he shops online, with Instagram and everything possible on a voluntary basis. Most of the time he makes use of, it is not clear how accurate the data collectors know him – you know today what he will want tomorrow.

The citizens fight back hardly against the census – and with good reason

Germany, its inhabitants, counts every ten years, and although resistance is now organizing a lot easier to defend the citizens. And with good reason. The state needs reliable data to be able to act: How many are we? There are enough apartments? We need new schools, or rather the new old people’s homes? While Google and Facebook collect data to animate the Individual to the consumption needs of the state of the data in order to provide him. Because it seems to make more sense to transmit data to the state.

so Far, each of the census act came before the Federal constitutional court. For the census of 2021 are currently held test runs with real data from real citizens. In contrast, activists fought back. The constitutional court judges decided on Thursday that the Test can continue.

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The results of each census, the distribution of money to the countries financial compensation affect. Berlin and Hamburg attacked, therefore, the census act of 2011 by standard control action. This law provided for a new method of counting, which is based primarily on register data. As the results, was Berlin, statistically, to a beat of around 180 000 inhabitants less. The are 470 million euros less from the state fiscal equalization. The court upheld 2018 the law.