the Owner of the tegneseriebutikken Fantask in Sankt Peders Stræde, Marit Nim, thought that it was over.
After 24 years in the shop, of which the last 10 years as the owner, was the economy not to save. Several of the old customers had fallen from, and a portion of the sales is passed to the network shops.
– There really should a superhero to save the business, she says to Ekstra Bladet.
Marit Nim can not compete with internetgiganter as Amazon. On the other hand she can give good advice on comics and games.
In Wednesday’s announced she its customers about the closure of the weekly magazine, and then it was shared on Facebook. Since the phone has rung constantly, and the store was black of people.
– It is quite ‘fantask’ to notice that the shop does so much for others. It is a company where we even are fans. It is a place where you will always be able to come and chat about a cartoon or a game, she says.
Fantask started as a specialboghandel for science fiction and fantasy and comic books.
Shortly after the news came a ‘superman’ to nødsætning.
Benjamin Herbst, who on a daily basis owner legetøjsbutikken Superhero, has arrived in the Fantask since he was very small. So when he heard that the store closed, he would do something about it.
– I know how many loyal customers, Fantask. And I don’t think that people have been aware of how glaringly it has stood for economic. So I thought that a collection is a good way to gather all of the loyal people, who would like to help, he says to TV2 Lorry.
the Name Fantask comes from the Marvel comic ‘Fantastic Four’, which appeared in 1961.
He has therefore created the fundraiser on, where fans can donate to the store. The goal was 200.000 euros.
– I would almost go as far and say that nørdekulturen in Denmark, had not been half so great, if it had not been for them. They are and will be one of a kind, and although there are other temptations out there, so I can’t sit and look, while Denmark’s best science fiction and tegneserieforretning goes to, he writes on the page.
319.895 crowns at the time of writing has been donated to the store.
With the money, it now appears that Marit Nim can pay the first gældspost.
– I can pay the first momsgæld. To march comes the next collection, and we are not completely over, but perhaps I might even pay, she says.
Thus, it seems that the world’s – maybe – the oldest existing tegneseriebutik according to the owner can survive.
– As it looks now, it may be in the new premises, says Marit Nim.