From 40 000 warriors from 110 countries and a “caliphate” that stretched over large tracts of land in both Syria and Iraq, The islamic state (IS) now surrounded on absolutely all sides.

The last land terrorgruppa have controlled, is at the east of Syria, on the border against Iraq in the Euphrates valley is now lost, notify observatørgruppa Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

– If these reports turns out to vote, we are left with that the caliphate is lost in its entirety, ” says lieutenant commander Thomas Slensvik at the Norwegian Defence university college to the Newspaper.

A spokesperson for the forces said just before at 12: 00 that IS have a half square kilometers again and that the insurgents will declare victory in Bhaghouz within a few days.

“)” IN the RUINS: A soldier who fought with the kurdisledede the rebels go through the ruins in the village of Baghouz in the end of January. After an intense offensive, IS now driven out of the village. Photo: Delil SOULEIMAN / AFP / NTB Scanpix Show more

When the ICE was established in 2013, they managed to quickly conquer large areas as a result of the chaotic civil war in Syria. The next two years was the group internationally known for its brutal kidnappings, executions and military progress in the countries. The group was also responsible for a series of brutal terrorist attacks in the West.

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On the most part controlled at its greatest, almost a third of the lands of Syria and Iraq in 2014.

In 2015, came the first major setbacks for the ICE, and ever since it has a large international militærkoalisjon had as a goal to combat terrorgruppa.

The U.S.-supported opprørsalliansen Syrian democratic forces (SDF), which primarily consists of the kurdish YPG militia, have fought for days to combat the ICE in the village of Baghouz, to the east of the last ICE-controlled pocket in the Euphrates valley.

the SOHR said that the last ICE-jihadistene, many of them fremmedkrigere, has surrendered to the SDF in the course of the last two days. It should be talk to about 200 people, and it is believed that some may still be hiding in the undergrunnstunneler.

Civilians as human shields, SYRIA: The syrian city of Raqqa has been under IS control since 2014, but opprørsstyrkene take back more and more. See the unique pictures from the end of august that shows how the war has affected the city. Video: CNN/Gabriel Chaim. Show more

the Campaign against Baghouz, which is described as the latest attack against the ICE, has been dramatic. ICE-warriors, who have been left in the village has been surrounded on all sides.

There is still left a large number of civilians. We expected not so many, otherwise we wouldn’t have resumed the campaign of four days ago. This is the reason why there have been delays, ” says Afrin.

It must have happened after that jihadistene who were there surrendered. Opprørsstyrkene shall, however, have been surprised by the large number of civilians left in the city the last few days.

SOON: Thousands of civilians have been evacuated from Baghouz the last few weeks. Photo: Fadel SENNA / AFP / NTB Scanpix Show more

Jihadistene have hidden themselves among the civilians and used them as human shields, ” says officer Adnan Afrin to Sky News.

around a thousand civilians should have been taken up from the undergrunnstunneler in Baghouz. Last week was over 20,000 civilians, many of them foreign-IS-the wives were evacuated from the city.

to hide

– It is not so that the ICE is gone or that all those who have fought for them, killed. U.s. estimates show that there are around 30 000 ICE-warriors that are not accounted for. Several have enough deserted and gone home, while some enough to live in hiding in the desert areas of both Syria and Iraq. Already in Iraq, we see that they operate as a guerrilla. Where the driver of the kidnappings, attacks against supply lines, likvidasjoner and the like. We will probably still see the ICE as a geriljagruppe, ” says Thomas Slensvik.

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now they have lost lands, it will probably show up in both people who have fought for ICE cream and their family members.

Several of the last that is left is from the western countries, and it is clear this will be a practical and moral dilemma in the future. What we do know is that several now are in kurdish detention camps. It is also a question where one should make of these, ” he says.

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According to the Slensvik are the boundaries between the Assad government and opprørsstyrkene now relatively stable.

the Question is whether they amerikanskstøttede the kurds and the rebels and the Russian – and iranskstøttede the government can now begin to fight among themselves. Then it may be vacuum where the ICE can take control again. At the same time is the whole world against ICE, so they may not be as large as they were at the height, ” says Slensvik

– this Means anything for the risk of terrorist attacks inspired by the ICE or in the ICE-direction?

the Attacks that have been in the West, have typically been committed by people who mentally supports the caliphate or ICE, and their like-minded. There is no reason to believe that there is something greater or less risk of a terror because of this. During several of the attacks in the West the last few years, there is little evidence of coordinated actions, ” he says.

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The iraqi millionbyen Mosul and the syrian city of Raqqa was ICE’ hovedseter. In the summer of 2017 was Mosul finally freed from the ICE, and in October 2017 was IS finally driven out of Raqqa.

Then all other IS-controlled cities, including Deir es-Zor and Tal Afar, released in the fall of 2017.

Since then, there have been defeats on the defeat of the ICE until now. It was the beginning of the end for the caliphate. ICE got the world community against him, and with us support in Iraq and informal agreements between the insurgents and the Syrian government, one got the tranquility to clear the area. All had the focus on the ICE. When they had nothing to set up with, say Slensvik.

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