‘Het EU-debate is expected on the left party meeting,”
“To the Left party as the only party to push the requirement that Sweden should leave the EU or not? It is the hot issue when the Party launches its EUROPEAN valkonferens at 13 in the day in Norrköping.”
“In the party program states that the Party will work to ensure that Sweden should leave the EU. However, aftonbladet wrote in its proposal to the EU-platform to – ”
“there is, however, disagreement in the party. Göteborgsdistriktet exercise to the conference that the requirement of withdrawal shall be included in the EU-valplattformen. It also considers the chairman of the Skånedistriktet and one of the party’s candidates for the EUROPEAN parliament, Ana Süssner Rubin, who believes that utträdeskravet is the left party’s strongest card.”
“Until recently, ran The sweden democrats, the requirement that Sweden should leave the EU, but now believes the party that it is better to try and improve the EU from the inside.”
“Saturday begins with the speech of the party leader Jonas Sjöstedt, and then start the debate. A decision is expected only on Sunday, when even the candidate list to the selection set.”