“Give wurstarna a match – #delakritik”
“More parts of the posts in the poesidebatten than the reviews of the poetry.”
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“Recently I visited Berlin. On Twitter I posted a picture of the city’s best currywurst. It was with my very modest dimensions measured closest to the viral. When I, one day prior to this tweeted on my extensive review of the Klas-Göran Karlsson, important and skillful is The modern thirty years ‘ war was the reactions, however, negligible get.”
“Only when I exceptionally like to in a topical debate, can any of my newspaper articles compete in attention with trivselbilderna. Mayhap I’m a lousy critic, but I still think that my anecdotal evidence can accommodate a more general and important truth: Many claim to love the criticism. The fewer parts the.”
“Högtidstalen if the critique’s importance is familiar. The specific treatment will, however, be styvmoderlig as soon as it comes to the visibility of the reviews. The ongoing debate on the poesikritik is a gratefully telling illustration. Already have the posts been shared and been discussed more than the participants ‘ all – existing and as yet unwritten – lyrikrecensioner.”
“To many yelling and reinforces the debates is not difficult to understand: soon to be held, fronts are formed, point to be made, profiles are polished and the points picked. In addition, one should be careful not to mistake social media for reality. Also the criticisms which are never shared in the step can of course be read and loved quietly, and slowly.”
“at the same time, one must be aware that our meningsuttryck in social media carefully recorded by the editorial boards and publishers. What we share and can read the thus – regardless of what we think of it – used as a decisive argument for the type of texts that are given the space and the writers who are recruited. If reviews never give rise to reactions, we learn to see more kröniketyckande in newspapers.”
“For a single individual is the ability to affect the tidningsinnehåll and the public call nature, to say the least limited, but a small ownership is everything to take. We talking us warm for the critique, the weight and value also become better at sharing reviews would be both a reasonable and a welcome beginning. This applies not least to kulturredaktionerna themselves.”
“As a critic, I can so clearly be blamed to speak in their own thing. The right, however, I have on my page: #delakritik ”