In the British city of Hull, with the man power and sought to Libby Squire. The 21-year-old girl disappeared a week ago without a trace after a drunken night out. At the time of her disappearance heard one of the neighbors “terrifying screams”. Today was, according to the press, a Polish butcher arrested. The 24-year-old man is suspected of her kidnapped.

Libby was last Thursday not welcome in disco Welly because she was drunk. Around 23 hours she was by her friends in a taxi heading home. She could still barely on her feet.

The girl did not immediately to her home. On camera images is to see how they come to a bench, hobbled, so a small three hundred metres away. According to the police, she was something after midnight for the last time seen. At 00.30 hours, heard a neighbor scream.

Cars seized
The entire neighborhood -with a large lake and a wooded area has been combed. A sex offender in the area lives, was on the grid laid. In the past six days worked dozens of agents to the case. All in vain as yet.