“S: the Driver should be able to stay overnight near the job”
“Last week’s snowstorm caused, among other things, a lot of problems in the public transport in Stockholm.”
“Now the social democrats in the Stockholm region, that there should be beredskapslägenheter so that bus drivers and other staff can spend the night when there is a risk of, for example, a snowstorm, reports the P4 Stockholm.”
“– this with beredskapsavtal are many other industries that are vulnerable and essential services, and it is clear that when public transport is stationary or has large interference in the Stockholm region so it is very the many travelers who will be affected, ” says oppositionsregionrådet Jens Sjöström (S), to the radio.”
“According to Sjöström, there are large briser in preparedness when it comes to just getting the drivers in place to buses, subway, and commuter rail.”