Royalty Meghan Markle (37) has her father sent a letter shortly after her marriage with Prince Harry. Therein she asked him to stop with her black in the media. Father Thomas would return a joint photo shoot have asked, but didn’t.
Thomas Markle, the father of Meghan, could due to heart problems not to be present at the marriage of Harry and Meghan in may of last year. And since then it went from bad to worse between his daughter and him. He was paid by the British tabloids for stories from the family history to share, and then he took his daughter down with harsh judgments. “Diana would not have found out how I am treated,” he said about the cold relationship he has subsequently left him with his daughter.
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It was in the summer that Meghan as a result of all the negative coverage her father a letter. Therein begged him to stop with all the insults that he distributed and asked him to make her not black in the media. According to five friends would they, in that letter just after her wedding have written. “I have but one father”, was, literally, to read. “Stop please me black in the media”.
Thomas Markle would the letter have received and then have asked for a joint photo shoot to do, but they refused the duchess.