the Swedish migration board describes the changes included in the right-vänsterregeringens fyrpartiöverenskommelse as they give the most generous rules in the EU for family reunification. Relatives of 20 000 newcomers can get right to a residence permit.

the social democrats have tolerated the emergence of skuggsamhällen – with insecurity, criminality and exclusion as a result – when they let tens of thousands remain illegal in Sweden. Of the more than 27 000 persons whose application for asylum is rejected in 2016, has only 60 percent left the country, of which one-fifth after a form from the police. The remaining 40 per cent can be left in the country. 70% of the cases submitted to the police have not been able to be enforced when the authorities do not know where the person is located.

an obviously dysfunctional the EU-negotiation, without the need to expeditiously implement the reforms, where a refusal actually results in that person leaving the country at the same time as it will be easier for those granted asylum to get a job and contribute to society.


National mottagandecenter during the entire asylum period. Asylum seekers should stay at the national, mandatory mottagandecenter up to possible decision on a residence permit. On mottagandecentret shall samhällsintroduktion, Swedish, health inspection and other activities will be provided. For those who receive a residence permit can be received by the school or another employment, to the identification and validation of children’s and adult’s education or other skills to happen there.

Information on the return should be given from the day of arrival, to avoid conflicts in case of refusal of asylum application. It should be easy to come to Sweden to work, regardless of the reason for the migration. In connection with the application for asylum is submitted, and identity documents are presented, it should be possible to get back to work.

Sweden can’t wait for an obviously dysfunctional the EU-negotiation, without the need to expeditiously implement the reforms, where a refusal actually results in that person leaving the country.

disturbing flaws in border controls. In order to ensure an orderly receipt needed common border control of the nordic countries. In order to reduce in particular for the police, it should be staffed by a special border guard, in accordance with the Schengeninspektionens recommendation will collect resources for the police, customs, coast guard and the Swedish migration board. It should, together with the reduction of resource consumption at the deportation thanks to the mottagandecentren do that the police can prioritise resources to law enforcement.

in Order to put pressure on countries that do not cooperate should development aid be used to a greater extent. A country that does not take responsibility for its own citizens can not receive budget support or other assistance to the public sector from Sweden.


Stronger incentives for job and no sour cream into the housing market. The first two years, municipalities have responsibility for accommodation and Swedish for immigrants (SFI), and the state for the rest of the etableringsinsatserna and introduction compensation. We suggest that municipalities take the whole responsibility directly on the note, and that quality-assured independent actors perform the actions. For this requires, inter alia, for a reform of adult education.

Newcomers will not go ahead in the queue. Several municipalities, including Växjö and Solna, handles bosättningslagen with etableringsboenden; temporary accommodation that is either timed and/or related to participation in the etableringsinsatser. He then applies his own responsibility. It should become the national norm, with the explicit support of law.

for undeclared work and increase the possibilities for new arrivals to get a job. Active requirements should be tightened and include more. For example, should not leave be a reason to evade efforts for several years. It always pays to work needed a ceiling and the reduction in tax on labour, especially on small incomes.

the School’s compensatory commissioned works relatively well for children who arrive before the start of school, but worse for those who arrive after the start of school. More than half of the ninth class pass is not accepted in Swedish, mathematics and English. Lovskola and homework should be made compulsory for children who are at risk to fall behind in school.


the Cost of immigration need to reduce. Immigration costs too much. Current estimates show that the net effect on public finances for the year 2018 is a cost of 55-60 billion. The deflection of the receipt we are proposing will reduce costs, while better establishment contributes positively to the public finances through reduced bidragskostnader and increased tax revenues. Some additional examples:

Removing the introduction compensation. New arrivals in the establishment can get more than others without work. Introduction compensation should be abolished and replaced with a municipal income support (formerly social assistance). Even after that municipalities are compensated for the increased costs, this means a savings of about sek 3 billion. Försörjningsstödet in turn need to be reformed.

Performance-based peng of etableringsinsatser. Compensation for providers of etableringsinsatser, SFI and adult education shall be deleted from how many go on to work or further studies. At the same time, the participants ‘ contributions be made conditional on the effort and results. Today pay taxpayers often of presence, rather than knowledge and integration.

Avgiftsbelägg interpreter. The interpreter shall be used at the contact between the authority and the individual. Children as interpreters for their parents threaten both the rule of law as the balance of power in the family. The right to tax-funded interpreter should, after a reasonable time to make the transition into a obligation to be able to take part of the information. The then not able to assimilate the information itself should pay for the interpreter.

significant systemic weaknesses in the Swedish host. Insufficient samhällsintroduktion has left asylum seekers in a passive existence. The lack of a functioning return has contributed to the emergence of skuggsamhällen and precarious utanförskapsområden. Reformtröttheten of the previous government has left many newcomers in the long-term welfare dependency. In the light of unsuccessful attempts to reach agreement in the EU and the new government’s uncertain agreement, we require the reforms to the support for the municipalities, which brings the order in the receipt, speeds up establishment and reduce the cost of immigration.