If Trump keeps today in his state of the Union speech, him with Pelosi is his biggest opponent in the neck. Not only the President had underestimated the 78-Year-old in the first place.
Prime time will follow the evening of millions of Americans Trumps speech on the state of the Nation – and, inevitably, Nancy Pelosi to see. As a house-mistress and hostess, the speaker of the house of representatives is seated on a podium behind the lectern. Pelosi sits Trump so to speak, in the neck. You probably will comment on some of trump’s statements, facial expressions, otherwise, but the speech with a friendly poker face track.
Trump, in turn, might be tempted to look sometimes her back to tell her straight in the face, how important the wall is. At the latest after its defeat in the dispute over the government to a standstill Pelosi for Trump to main to become a target. “It is very bad for our country,” he said of the Democrat, “If people are dying anywhere in the country, because Nancy Pelosi refuses, for political reasons, secure the borders, then is our country a terrible service.”