After the withdrawal from the INF disarmament Treaty, Russia announced the development of a land-based Version of a missile for the next two years. The Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday, in this and in the coming year the country would be developed-based variant of the Russian Navy used to Cal-missile. The United States had declared at the end of last week their withdrawal from the INF agreement, and Russia has taken this step.
The Cal-cruise missile had proven itself in Syria, was quoted by the Russian military in a statement, the defense Minister. Also in the next two years, a System had to be created-based long-range missiles.
land-based Version is already
Shoigu exist justified this step with the United States ‘ withdrawal from the INF Treaty, since 1987, in power and land-based missiles and cruise missiles with ranges between 500 and 5500 kilometers, prohibits. The contract is now suspended for the time being.
The Russian Navy uses the Calibr cruise missiles since the autumn of 2015 in Syria. Of a warship in the Caspian sea-26 missiles were fired by Syrian rebels at a distance of 1500 kilometers.
The United States and Russia accuse each other of violating the disarmament agreement of the Cold war. According to the estimates of American experts, there are the land-based Version of the Cal-Missile already. (sep/afp)
Created: 05.02.2019, 12:18 PM