A drone of the Swiss Post fell on Friday a week ago during a test flight with a “non-relevant” blood sample on Board in the lake of Zurich. Now the cause of the crash could be cleared. The drone had a technical Defect in the electronics, as the Zurich city police said on request. “A collision with a bird can be excluded according to the findings,” says media chief Marco Cortesi.
the investigations of the police are terminated, because it is not an offence. The drone had done what she must in such a case: “After you had lost the GPS-contact is dropped on the parachute controls,” says Cortesi. The American manufacturing company, the investigations of the police in Zurich, supported, and took the drone for a closer examination.
Waiting for the final report
The Federal office for civil aviation (Foca) could prohibition after the crash, a flight for the Post-drones. There are but so far no occasion, as speaker, Christian Schubert says: “The drone is provided, as in the case of a forced landing – from the sky floated. All safety elements have works reliably.” These elements include the parachute that slows down the drone, as well as audible warning tones and flashing lights, among other things. Since the Post has also been set flights until further notice, to ensure safety.
The Post confirmed that the drones remain on the ground, “until the cause is cleared up,” says spokeswoman Léa Wertheimer. The Swiss safety investigation authority (Saib) is responsible for the investigations on the cause of a crash. Only when this is clarified, will decide on further action. “Safety remains a top priority.” As long as the drones remain on the ground, could not estimate.
Taken over by 20 minutes, edited, of the daily Gazette.ch/Newsnet.
Created: 05.02.2019, 07:44 PM