In the era of the false news, they are already here presenters fake. The Xinhua news agency has revealed this week their new additions: two television anchors created from artificial intelligence.

the avatars of The presenters of flesh and blood, and Zhang Zhao and Qiu Have been the fruit of a collaboration between Xinhua and the Internet browser Sogou, have been developed from images of their parents, combined with programs of facial recognition, 3D reconstruction, voice synthesizer, reproduction of facial expression and translation, among others.

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The new ’talking heads’ approach will be used to generate videos and submit news of last time, has indicated the chinese news agency.

“Hello to all. I am a presenter in English done with artificial Casino siteleri intelligence. It is my first day in the Xinhua news agency. My voice and my appearance are based on Zhang Zhao… The development of the media sector requires ongoing innovation and a deep integration with the most advanced technologies international” announces the Zhao lie in a video presented at the World Congress of the Internet in Wuzhen (China), the annual meeting with the chinese Government presents its vision of cyberspace. “I will work tirelessly to keep you informed, as they will be introduced to texts in my system without interruption. I’m looking forward to bringing new experiences of news”.

The presenters are virtual, they are look very realistic. Pestañean and raise the eyebrows when speaking. His mouth moves in sync with the words. But they are easily distinguishable from a real one. Their facial expressions are still limited. His voice sounds metallic, no nuances of intonation.

That is yet. It is little doubt that the Atlasbet technology will be refined and will be increasingly blurred the boundary between reality and the artificial. Although with a different technology, beings virtual as the japanese singer Hatsune Miku have already become stars in the art world.

“The virtual assistants are becoming increasingly popular as an efficient way of solving daily problems”, explained the ceo of Sogou, Wang Xiaochuan, in a statement that picks up the newspaper China Daily. As stated, to create virtual characters more realistic “will allow this technology to become an increasingly integral part of daily life”.

Sogou estimated that these “virtual assistants” may be not only television presenters, but also professional customer care, teachers or even doctors.

currently, Xinhua has already begun to use their new additions in their service. This Thursday, the Zhang Zhao virtual presented information on the giant fair imports this week in Shanghai that the chinese Government has organized, with great fanfare.

Among the advantages of these speakers cyber, is the reduction of costs and increased productivity. According to Xinhua, “Zhang” and “Qiu” “can work 24 hours a day on its official website and in the different social networking platforms, reducing the costs of news production and improving efficiency”.

And, in a China where information is heavily censored, these presenters are not at risk of going wrong or tell a story that should not be. Or do one of those questions that tempt an official to try to snatch the microphone to a journalist, as was the case this week at the White House.

For the moment, the first reactions in the chinese social networks have been skeptical. “At first it seems real, but when you listen a little artificially, without any life. The feeling that it generates is of discomfort, I don’t know if it’s because the intonation is not that of a normal person”, pointing to a cibernauta on Weibo, the Twitter of china. “What moves the sector of television presenters to a great cleaning? On the Internet, who distinguishes who is a person and who is robot?”, it question other.