Catalonia is very present in the Citizens ‘ campaign for the December 2, who has decided to move the race against the pro-independence to Andalusia. In the speech of the candidate, John Marin, and Albert Rivera and Inés Arrimadas in the elections abound with references to the hypothetical pardons to the leaders of the procés, and the “insults” of separatism to the andalusians.

MORE INFORMATION is Arrimadas warns the socialist party that Citizens are out to win as in Catalonia Rivera claimed to Citizens as the political center in Andalusia

This Thursday, Marin has raised the tone to challenge the president Quim Torra to denounce him, after knowing that the government of Catalonia plans to take legal action against Jokerbet him, reports Camilo S. Baquero, by its manifestations in the electoral race. “Lord Torra, you are a racist, a coup, a coward, you are not a democrat. We see in the courts, or where you want, wherever necessary”, has called Marín, in a recorded video released by the social networks.

Marin said in the deneme bonusu debate in South Channel that Torra had charged the andalusians have a “gene-less”, and hence the possible denunciation of the government, which argues that Torra has never said such a thing. In reality, the exact words of Torra did not refer exclusively to the andalusians, but the spaniards in general, although he did say something similar. In an article in The World in 2012, before being president, Torra wrote that the Spanish had “a small bump in their string of DNA” for his “hatred” to the statement.