This friar Alexander to his Mikaela – with a flashmob

After having planned to woo his beloved in over half a year’s time, it was Saturday, time for the big day.

With the help of a flashmob, a red carpet and hidden cameras, Alexander set out with an amazing marriage proposal to his love, Mikaela.

“She cried so much that I could not look her in the eyes,” says the prospective bridegroom.

During the Saturday would Mikaela Heffride, 31, hit his best friend in order to have a full day together with her in Skövde. But she had no idea about was that her highest dream would come true during the day.

Mikaelas partner Alexander Tervasmäki, 28, had smooth big plans.

– Mikaela thought I was at home with the kids, but in fact worked, the kids were at my grandma’s house and I was jättetaggad, ” says Alexander.

He and Jane met each other eight years ago, and almost at once it started to nyförälskade the pair to talk about the wedding. They searched on Youtube for ”world’s best marriage proposal” – and then came flash mobs up.

” I decided already then that if Mikaela would like to be my wife in the future so I will be free in this way. She deserves to be seen, loved, and get one of the best days of his life, ” says Alexander.

”will you marry me?”

After half a year of planning it was time for Alexander’s marriage proposal to take place. With the help of Mikaelas best friend is a traitor, she set off to the mall in Skövde, where she vardagas work.

” I saw several of Alexander’s friends and colleagues there, but I just thought: Oh well, they happen to all be here at the same time as me. I did not understand then what would happen, ” says Mikaela.

it would not be long before her coffee break in the mall was interrupted by a girl who suddenly began to dance. Then came another, and another – and another. To the end stood a dozen dancers in front of Mikaela and dance according to a choreography to the song ”Marry you”.

– Then, they point at me. Then I turn me against my best friend and she sort of confirms it I think. Then the only shortcomings I wept, ” says Jane, laughing.

at the same time, rolled a red carpet out the and behind a black cover with a heart on show Alexander up in a black suit with a ring in his hand.

” She was crying so much so I could not look her in the eyes. But I ask her: ‘Jane, will you marry me? tells Alexander and continues:

She said, ”yes”, but no one heard it because she had hands in the face.

Mikaelas dream became true

After taking a deep breath, and pinching himself in the arm made Mikaela a new attempt. This time it was in the mall clearly hear that she said yes.

– Everything was absolutely perfect. I have everyone involved to thank for it. I’m very happy and pleased – it was exactly as I wanted.

Mikaela was also not disappointed – despite the fact that she had been deceived by the near and dear ones. But the question is if she thinks Alexander succeeded with what he wanted – give her the world’s best marriage proposal?

– Yes! It is a dream and I can hardly believe that it has happened. It feels like it’s just the kind of thing that happens in this movie, but then it came to me.