In 2013 was Nicklas Bendtner for the first time nominated for the title as Ekstra Nytårstorsk, and here I will reuse the introduction. Partly I save myself the hassle of finding a new, partly it is still enchanting exactly:

’To follow Karly There career is like watching a faldulykke on a spiral staircase in slow motion. Each time, it seems that he has gotten a grip on the banister, he loses again taken, and the dratter further a piece of down.’

this is very far from the space to list all of the excellent fodboldspillers escapades up. They include both all of the humid city tours, vandalism, driving with a bac of 1.75 and much more.

Most silly was it perhaps, since he knows the european championship in 2012 chose to celebrate a scoring by mere its knickers. Not in a sudden burst of exhibitionisme, but because he got the money for it by the gaming company, whose name was on the underpermissionerne.

The idea gave him a fine of 735.000 crowns as well as quarantine in the first match of qualification for the WORLD cup in Brazil. It ended up 0-0. Had we scored just one goal, had we qualified us.

The knickers was torskedumme.

Since the last nomination has Since been impossible in both Wolfsburg and Nottingham Forrest, and on a city tour in Copenhagen attacked, he a taxi sexually and spankede it with his belt.

Yes, it sounds strange, but Lord Bendtner has even confessed to the abuse.

There is also a taxi involved in the man’s latest attempt to score the big fish.

In september came Bendtner and his girlfriend at the time of writing, Philine Roepstorff, out of the nightclub, the Lusso, which is located near Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen. The pair prajede a taxi, and then went very wrong.

the Driver was apparently not one of the most congested representatives of his profession, and after some commotion ended up with Bendtner pandede him one, so he went into the asphalt. The result was that the driver had several dents, scrapes and a broken jaw.

the performance was Bendtner sentenced to 50 days in jail, which is probably fixed with a fodlænke. the
Drawing: Morten Ingemann
More adult
Stupid in itself, but hardly enough that Bendtner had earned the right to the cod. But not alone, there have been extremely many other episodes, where the man has kvajet. He has also distinguished himself again and again to declare, that now it was over with the kind of.

October 2009 to TV2:

’I become all the time more and more adult …’

November 2011 to Ekstra Bladet:

– see me never again fall out of a nightclub in the middle of football season. It’s the end.

June 2012 for the BT:

’It to go in the city is not something I do much much more. I would rather a lounge bar and talk a bit. Converse and become wiser.’

the Plan to be wiser fell to the ground, so Bendtner got more occasions to assure you, that now it had happened with kvajeriet.

November 2014 for Extra the Blade:

– There have been many things over the past year, so I hope I have changed myself and learnt from the things that have happened in life. But I also feel I have become more mature.

September 2016 to Ekstra Bladet:

– I have made many mistakes in my life. But it is history now. I’m looking forward.

February 2018, Euroman:

’It there huge fear of missing out-gen, I simply don’t have in me anymore. At one point I was just tired of the routine to go in the city, score a lady and stand up late.’

We can conclude with a quote that puts all the above in relief. In 2009, said Bendtner after the election of that year, the Danish play:

– I will be the top scorer in the Premier League, WORLD cup, and within five years I will be among the best attackers in the world. Believe me, it’s going to happen.

Believe me. The man deserves a cod. He is possibly wearing fodlænke at the turn of the year, but I’d love to come and present the big fish.

Although the candidate in the morning, good enough is also excellent.

The large torskevalg

bid on, who will be announced as the Ekstra Nytårstorsk 2018. Finance minister Kristian Jensen and regionsråds-president Sophie Hæstorp Andersen is already in hyttefadet, and there are seven more to look forward to.

a ballot in the newspaper, so you can participate in the decision of who is the biggest cod. You can also here at see all of the nominees as they are presented, and the time will also be given the opportunity to vote here.

you’ll be pleased to have participated in the year’s most important choice.

You can also win great prizes.

the Year nytårstorsk: Sundhedspladasken

the Year nytårstorsk: Smadremanden