The 21-year-old right-wing extremist James Alex Fields is to have to spend the rest of his life in prison, after he last year ran into a number of protesters in Charlottesville in the UNITED states.

It is clear on Tuesday. Here have a jury in Virginia recommended that the man be sentenced to life plus 419 years in prison.

Judges in Virginia often choose to follow the panel’s recommendations, but may also choose to reduce the penalty. However, they may not raise it.

A single person, 32-year-old Heather Heyer, was killed in the attack last year. In addition there were 19 other people wounded.

A jury in Virginia was on Friday afternoon agreed to judge the Fields of the killing. The court thus rejected his explanation that he acted in self-defense.

the Incident took place in august 2017. Here marched hundreds of neo-nazis together through a region at the university in Charlottesville, while they sang anti-semitic chants.

Immediately after the killing of Heather Heyer, there were demonstrations in major u.s. cities such as here In Boston. Photo: AP/Michael Dwyer
Trump fordømer white nationalists
A counter-demonstration of a few hundred people showed up. Subsequently went nynazisterne to the attack on the demonstrators.

a Few hours before the attack was Fields photographed with a shield with the logo of the far-right group the Vanguard America. The group has denied that it has any connection to him.

After the deadly unrest in Charlottesville signed the president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, a resolution that condemns white nationalists.

the Resolution was drafted by Congress in september 2017.

In the text stands that, among other things, that the signatories ‘condemn white nationalists, supporters of white supremacy, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-nazis and other hadgrupper’.

Before that he had Trump been criticized for several times to have spoken ambiguously about hadgrupper and the incidents in Charlottesville.

for Example, the president said that there were ‘bad guys’ among the people, who were demonstrating against the the white nationalists.