Jewish settlers cheering , and many palestinians are concerned. Now is the end of the TIPH (Temporary International Presence in Herbron) who have been stationed in the disputed town on the israeli-occupied west bank since may 1994.

Much has been said and written about the TIPH through the years, and the criticism has come from many quarters. But when prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu now declare observasjonsstyrken as undesirable, should Norway have reacted sharply. This is another example of that israeli authorities increasingly trying to mitigate the international criticism against the country’s folkerettsstridige the west bank-occupation.

instead informs the UD that the TIPH-force’s leader Einar Aas is instructed to discontinue from midnight.

There are about 500 jewish settlers and around 220 000 palestinians in Hebron. Israeli soldiers protect the settlers, who largely get to do what they want. Harassment and abuse against the majority population’s daily diet. When the settlers are in really storslag, nor the garbage, the faeces and urine of palestinians who find themselves on the streets below them.

Rare insight into the vicious and spiteful conflict

Jews and palestinians have through the ages fought many battles about Hebron. 25. February 1994, the jewish terrorist Baruch Goldstein of 29 palestinians praying in the Ibrahim mosque in Hebron. It led to the TIPH was created. The mandate was to give the palestinians security and to create stability in the city.

I were present in Hebron when the first TIPH contingent arrived in the city 8. in may 1994, led by the Norwegian police officer Kjell Johansen. The observers went in the white uniforms and were armed only with pen, pencil and camera. Many israelis sneered, and we journalists were skeptical.

the Observers had no real power, and reports their was after the israeli claim made secret. But the TIPH was – while the contents of the reports the dust down.

Observatørstyrken has consisted of more than 60 women and men from Norway, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland and Turkey. Norway has since the start supported the strength of around 500 million, money the critics believe could have gone to far better purpose.

last December was a secret TIPH report leaked to the israeli newspaper Haaretz. Where there was evidence that the TIPH since 1994 have reported 40 000 “events”. This publication liked the israeli authorities bad.

though the palestinian authority has frequently criticized the TIPH for weakness towards Israel, provides presence, after all, a shred of sikkerhetsfølelse for the palestinians in Hebron. A possible winding-up of the force should have occurred through the israeli-palestinian agreement – so the creation of it was – and not through an israeli dictation, where the time has connection with the fact that prime minister Netanyahu wants to satisfy the israeli outer same place by axis authorities as much as possible before the parliamentary elections of 9. april.

the eu has regularly emphasized that the contributions to the TIPH is something we do for the parties after the request from them. We must, therefore, relate to the fact that Israel no longer sees any need for the strength , type UD in an email to Dagbladet.

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