“Busch Thor crackling of the war was”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Today’s winner was Ebba Busch Thor. Not that she excelled more than usual in the pulpit or received, the particular elegant rallarsvingar on their political opponents. Not because Their policy was so much more comprehensible than before.”

“But Busch Thor knew how she would play by the new rules in force since Stefan Löfven formed a government with the support of the Centre party and the Liberals. And she did it skillfully.”

“KD-leader took the replica on Annie Lööf with a yellow jackets-inspired vänsterpopulistisk rhetoric that the Party is failing, the little people in the countryside. It was in practice, today’s most important replikskifte, especially in light of the fact that Ebba Busch Thor did not reply to Jimmie Åkesson.”

“Partiledardebatten as a whole was not particularly fast-paced. Ulf Kristersson continued its strategy from the last few weeks that frank tell how annoyed he is at Loof and Bjorklund. It seemed the most petulant.”

“Jimmie Åkesson, criticized the abolition of the värnskatten and claimed brazenly that his party never had such proposal. But as late as may 2017 required SD’s economic-political spokesman Oscar Sjöstedt, the latest war in an op-ed in Today’s industry. “

“the Administration Jonas Sjöstedt, tried as best he could to go in the polemic against the government’s policies. But both he, Loof and Bjorklund have a little bit of tricky matter because they are basically still supporting Stefan Löfven. None of them managed to actually go in any further opposition even if in the C and L took the replica on the prime minister.”

“the Progressive against the reactionary”

“An occasion when it is actually burned into was when Gustav Fridolin criticized Ebba Busch Thor, for the closure of Jämställdhetsmyndigheten in the M-KD-budget that went through parliament recently. Authority was saved in and with Januariavtalet.”

“Jimmie Åkesson would love to talk about that he included in a ”conservative” block, together with the KD and M. A better word is probably ”reactionary”.”

“Here goes the real political conflict between the five parties behind the government –and högeroppositionen. There is a big difference between Löfvens progressive values and the opposition’s criticisms against feminism, climate change and a compassionate refugee policy.”

“Ebba Busch Thor fits this like a glove. There are probably plenty of voters who want someone who is fighting against equality, against gasoline and dieselskatter and for the right to eat his steak in peace and sit straddled on the subway even if they don’t want to go all the way to SD.”