“The wolf in Tierp shot”
“The wolf that moved in a residential area in Tierp, sweden on Tuesday, has been shot down by the police jaktman. “
“Now will vargkroppen to be disposed of by the county board.”
“After having gone to the attack on a deer on Tobias Ågren and Rebecca Holmstedts farm sat the wolf is left on the villatomten before it finally met its fate.”
“At 13.50 on Tuesday confirmed to the police that their jaktman killed the wolf. The police patrol had already killed the wounded deer that the wolf attacked but the wolf had not reacted, but still sat next to his prey.”
“the Wolf was found to be injured in a hind leg and the body will now be disposed of by the county board. Killing took place with the support of the ninth section of the jaktlagen, which is about people’s safety, writes the police on his website.”
“– We can not exclude that it is dangerous for people, ” said Daniel Wikdahl, police presstalesperson, earlier in the day. “
“During the day, the police has gone out with warnings not to walk dogs in the area and also to keep children away from the Ostronvägen in Tierp, sweden. “
“Djurexperten Jonas Wahlström think Tierpsvargen is unusually bold and fearless, who went on to a villatomt but we nevertheless believe that the risk that it would hurt a human was small. “