A remarkable thing in Venezuela-the conflict is that the geopolitical continental plates are drawn in a different way than what we have become accustomed in recent years. The authoritarian international, and as so often has made common cause to undermine the västdominerade world order – has become deeply fragmented:

On the one hand, there is Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, trying to force away the “bolivarianske” the dictator Nicolás Maduro and supports the leader of the opposition and the self-proclaimed interimspresidenten Juan Guaidó. They make common cause with Emmanuel Macron, as well as several other european and Latin american governments.

there is Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as the Cuban leadership. They support Maduro and claim that they are defending Venezuelan sovereignty against what they describe as a US-instigated by the government.

Russia’s, China’s and Cuba’s motives are hardly selfless; Venezuela sits on the world’s largest oil reserves, which today just the three countries, in practice, has control over.

a few decades ago had Venezuela the highest standard of living in Latin america. Maduro, and before him, Hugo Chávez, ran on short time down the country to absolute misery by their dictatorial methods and mismanagement. Millions of citizens fled poverty, hunger, repression and inflation over a million percent.

have lost most of the confidence within and outside the country gives no answer on what the world, and particularly the united states, will handle the situation.

the Issue came to a head when Elliot Abrams, a republican diplomat who was a being a strong believer of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, on Friday was appointed the U.S. special representative for Venezuela.

the Appointment is controversial, given that the Abrams during the primärvalskampanjen 2016 mattered to the group, ”Never Trump”-the republicans. Among the Trumps kärntrupper has the news on the Abrams come as a shock. One of them tweeted about the Abrams as a ”neocon war criminal” (the neoconservative war criminals), because of his involvement in subversive operations in Latin america.

notorious for his role in some of AMERICA’s ”dirty wars” on the continent in the 1980s. Ronald Reagan’s administration supported the military junta in El Salvador and sent weapons to the dödsskvadroner responsible for the massacres of thousands of civilians.

He was also one of those who helped to finance the right-wing Contra rebels in Nicaragua. He was involved in the so-called Iran-Contra affair, an operation in which the U.S. secretly sold weapons to the mullahs of Iran, in order to finance aid to the Contras. He was sentenced later to have lied before congress, but was pardoned by president George H W Bush.

Abrams also has old connections to Venezuela. In 2002, he was one of those who is believed to have organized a coup against Hugo Chávez. The coup attempt failed, however.

in an influential post, with the help of two other leading ”neocons” in the Trumps of administration.

The one secretary Mike Pompeo, said that “Elliot will be a real asset to help the Venezuelan people to fully restore democracy and the prosperity of their country”.

The other, Trumps national security affairs John Bolton, was not only an enthusiastic supporter of the Iraq war but argued just a few years ago that the united states should go to the air raid against Iran. Now warns Bolton for a ”significant response” if Maduro takes to the violence against the country’s legitimate government, with which he intends Juan Guaidó.

on to the interventionist, or if you like ”imperial”, the faction in Washington begins to reclaim land from the Trumps “America First”line, where a key ingredient is that the united states should not engage in “regime change” to overthrow the governments of other countries.

the name of abram’s return to the united states department of state is a signal that neither Maduro or any other latina leaders are said to miss.

What is unclear is how much it stands for a real change of mind of Trump. The president has a well known aversion to involvement in foreign countries, but now the greater part of his environment ”neocon”-the republicans. In addition to Bolton, Pompeo and Abrams can also, vice president Mike Pence is counted to the group.

Venezuela also explicitly mentioned the monroe doctrine of the 1800s, which means that Latin america is within the US’s exclusive sphere of influence. Last week, Pence to Fox News in Latin america, Trump is prepared to intervene, ”the right reasons”.

“President Trump has always had a very different view of our hemisphere, and to defend freedom and democracy there is a tradition that goes far back,” said Pence in an interview with Fox News.

eventually, the question becomes, to what extent it means that the united states once again has the intention to land the marines in Latin america. To Trump’s words that ”all options are on the table” as a standarduttalande or as a direct threat?

any widespread enthusiasm for an intervention. The republican senator Marco Rubio said at the weekend that he does not know any american leader who advocates a US-backed coup.

Among the democrats have a few left-leaning congressmen commented critically:

“We can’t hand-pick other countries’ leaders at the multinational big business interests the president. A US-backed coup in Venezuela are not a solution to the difficult problems they face, ” said Ilhan Omar, the newly elected member of the house of representatives from Minnesota, on Twitter.

Read more: Guaidó calls for new protests against the regime

Gunnar Jonsson: So was the socialist paradise of a hell in Venezuela