Alcohol culture in Denmark is completely out of the woods, believe many. Approx. 250,000 to drink too much, and well 140.000 are dependent on alcohol. In addition all the members of the family, which is skyggealkoholikere. And the laws about alcohol to young people under the age of 18 years are observed rarely.
– I love ’white January’ and have done so for several years. It is healthy. Not that I drink much – I did in my young days, when there was a bang – but in spite of it, I can feel a difference. It is the solvent you are pouring in the body, and although it can be quite fun, while it is on, then there comes a bill, ” says Max Hansen.
The 64-year-old actor believes that it is good that the Danish Health and medicines authority in this way puts alcohol on the agenda.
– Many think that it is boring, if you don’t just grab a beer. But even when my wife takes a glass of wine in the evening, I drink just a cup of tea. It doesn’t hurt to keep white January. On the contrary. And my teenage son on the soon the 18 year jumped also on the wagon this month. That is a totally sick alkoholkultur schools. Some of them drink every day. Hard booze. It is sin, for they can become addicted, he adds.
Before Max Hansen met his wife, Inge, he had a number of years, where he gave the gas in the city, and therefore he speaks by experience, when he says, that one day there comes a bill.
– You can get diabetes, liver problems and cancer, if you drink too much. You have to think on. The body responds at a time. I got cancer for a number of years ago. Thankfully I’m fully recovered today, but it has got me to live much healthier. And a whole month or two without so much as the slightest draught beer is good for everything, he laughs.
Doctor: Well to give the liver and body a break
new National ’white January’ is about to be over, and should you believe the announcements on the social media, many jumped on the bandwagon.
I am afdelingslæge in misbrugsbehandlings organization Novavi Nanna Døssing.
The Danish alkoholkultur is not conducive to the health, and the young people are habituated to drink too early, believe afdelingslæge Nanna Døssing. Private
– It is probably not those who are most affected by the disease alcohol dependence who jump on such a campaign. But it is well known that many of our patients start the year up with a long abstinent period. If just some of the well-250.000 danes, who drink too much, stop and think about their intake in a month, so is very much reached. A white January can have a big impact – both with regard to fatty liver, obesity and diabetes. If a young man has been at Roskilde festival and have been drinking through in eight to ten days, so he has fatty liver. It can be restored in two weeks. An elderly with a prolonged consumption may have to use six weeks. But it is something to stop up, she says.
Although it probably is a sundhedstrend to implement a white January, so there will also be many who need it.
– Alcohol provides stemningsløft in the brain, but there is no helbredsfordele by the. There is talk of an organic solvent, which is both a carcinogen and can cause dependence. So, from a medical point of view it is good that the Danish Health and medicines authority here gives people an ’excuse’ for not drinking.
Nanna Døssing points out that it is often made suspect to be ’on the water’, if you want to blend in socially.
– With a campaign it is easier to say, and perhaps you will learn that thereby something about his own well-being. The way we drink in Denmark is different than’. We do not have respect for the research that shows how harmful it is – especially for young people.