The Integration of refugees on the German labour market makes greater progress than it was for former refugee generations – for example, as a result of the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s. An investigation by the Institute for employment research IAB, the German socio-economic Panel at the German Institute for economic research (DIW) and the Federal office for Migration and refugees (Bamf), led jointly by, went to the end of 2017, 21 percent of them are working. The data of the Federal employment Agency, the rate is now, as of October 2018, even at 35 percent. So far, labour market researchers are charged with the rule of thumb is that it takes a decade to even half work of them. The rate was “pretty good”, could be “very satisfied with the development,” added the economist Herbert Brücker, head of the IAB, the research Institute of the Federal employment Agency, the migration Department.

integration courses work

About 80 percent of the Jobs were subject to social insurance contributions, said Brücker. To constitute a “substantial part”, so about 30 percent, it’s part-time work, approximately 20 percent are marginal employment relationships. In the number of trainees, if you get a training allowance and social insurance. The investigation of the team from IAB, DIW, and professionals in the research Department of the Bamf took all 15 – to 64-year-old Refugee, who came between 2013 and the beginning of 2016 to Germany. It is designed to be permanent, for the first Time, the Team studied the situation in 2016.
It turned out that the English skills of newcomers to grow rapidly. Reported during the first examination 2016 of 18 per cent, to be able to be good or very good German, said this in 2017, 33%. The survey was conducted in English, so that the Interview and Interviewer review the self-assessments. The knowledge of the German language had “developed very well”, said Nina Rother from Bamf. The knowledge of the language increased, according to the study, not only with the duration of stay in Germany, but hung clearly in addition to employment and contacts to the German strong language and integration courses. So 61 percent of those who had attended an integration course were able to speak German well or very well, and even 71 percent of the refugees in the secondary language program with funds from the European social Fund and the Bamf. Anyone who was in any of course, made this much less: only 16 percent were able to properly or very well English.

women lost – children stand in the way of learning English

However, the vast majority of all Refugees, 75 percent has used, any funding activity, be it language, integration courses, or special vocational programs.
The experts discovered, of course, a significant gender gap. Refugee women – they make up a good quarter (27 per cent) of the adult Refugees have less work (fall 2017: 27% of men, but only six percent of the women) and their English skills are much worse. The main reason is obvious that you have very small children. So speak, write and understand 44 percent of men good or very good English, but only 26 percent of women, two – thirds of all refugee women have children with whom they live together, half of the mothers have small children. For comparison: Among the Children of the “Gender Gap” is significantly lower, 41 to 48 percent. It was shown, according to the study, that “children in the household – especially small children – for women but not for men an obstacle to the acquisition of knowledge of German” language. However, women who make it in a course that benefited the language more than men.
at the same time, women also carry higher health risks. While the mental health Fugitive is on the whole inferior to the German population average – the physical, it is hardly, especially women over 35 is significantly worse, the older you are. In part, the values varied around 50 percent of the non-fugitive women. Especially signs of Depression would be cut, otherwise than in the Population with increasing age.