Polls are not options , says politicians who get bad numbers. They have, of course, right. Finally, it is only the voters ‘ votes that count. But no study of the numbers in the readings more thoroughly than politicians and their advisors. It will largely apply to it completely fresh partibarometeret Ipsos has carried out for the Newspaper. Had it been a general election tomorrow, would the new government have been swept away from the footstools, the centre would have been reduced to ruins and the left had triumphed.

The two centrist parties the Left and This has on several polls and over a longer time – have been listed under the threshold of 4 per cent. Now it is sinking even lower. Left get a support level of 2.2 per cent which is the worst measurement Ipsos has recorded in over 14 years. This also puts the record in the misery. The support of 2.7 per cent is the worst Ipsos has measured at 18 years of age. Compared with the historical results at the general election, we must return to the election in 1936 to find lower attendance. Measured in the number of stortingsrepresentanter would the two parties got 1 each.

How to turn , and turn on the numbers and causes, is this a katastrofemåling of the city centre. The measurement is taken up after regjeringsutvidelsen, and it does not matter something lighter for V and KrF. Right get also decline to 22.7 percent, but is generally within a fairly stable rent. FrP is in practice at a standstill in this poll and gets 13 per cent. As a whole, is regjeringsprosjektet in dangerous waters.

Review of regjeringsplattformen word for word: Half is pure copy Dagbladet Plus

due course. that the left does it well on this measurement. If there were a general election would the five venstrepartiene got 101 mandates compared to 68 for the four coalition parties. The labour party stays at a consistent, high level (29.8) and the same applies to the Sp (10.9) and to a lesser extent MDG (3.2). SV is doing his best measurement of over 9 years (8.1) and the Red goes through the threshold with 4.2 per cent.

A simple measurement is no set answer, only a political lap. We will also have local elections in the fall that can turn the development. Nevertheless, it is now relevant to ask questions about Erna’s big project – a majority rule with four parties – is sustainable. The government has great political tension and the strong built-in contradictions. KrFs felt in the abortspørsmålet shows it. Compromise is a Norwegian virtue, but they go across the public opinion, they can evolve into political poison.

– No, we are not kvinnefiendtlige