the Republican proposal was in brief, to give the president the Donald Trump the nearly 50 billion crowns he has asked to build a wall along the border with Mexico.

the Proposal needed 60 votes to be adopted, but was voted down by 50 against 47 votes. All democrats voted against, while three of the republican 53 representatives abstained from voting.

If the proposal had been adopted, would Trump have resumed payments to the public sector and 800.000 government employees would have gotten paid wages.

the Democratic proposal for a temporary solution on the budsjettstriden was also turned down, but received 51 votes. Four republicans voted for this proposal, while 44 voted against and five abstained from voting.

the Democratic proposal was to extend the funding of government agencies and institutions to 8. February, to give the parties more time to negotiate a solution to the intractable controversy about the budget and border security.