“The murders of the children in the Sala”

“the Police appeal: please contact us if you have seen the Sala-the father of film”

“Started the live broadcast after the murders in the Sala”

“the Father and sportprofilen suspected to have shot dead his two small children in the Sala.”

“He livesände ago on Facebook and told me about the murders.”

“Now appeal to the police to his facebook friends who watched the movie to contact them.”

“the Father of a 45-year-olds, a well-known sportprofil, started a live broadcast on Facebook at 21 o’clock on Wednesday.”

“Where he told me that he had just shot dead their two minor children. He stated then that he would shoot himself before he finished the live broadcast.”

“Several of his friends on Facebook quickly hit the alarm to the police. The patrols later found the man and the two little children dead in their home in Sala.”

“– We will examine this as two cases of murder and a suicide, ” says Johan Thalberg, presstalesperson at Västmanlandspolisen.”

“Calls for the father’s Account.”

“the Police say they are not looking for more offenders, but that the father is suspected of having murdered their children.”

“But now calls for the police witnesses in the extensive murder investigation.”

“calls on all who have seen his live broadcast to contact the police.”

“– If you have taken some of the we want to hear from us, ” says Thalberg.”

“the Film has only been seen by the man’s friends on Facebook, and it was during Thursday morning’s unknown if Facebook removed the video from his account. But Johan Thalberg says that the police mordutredare now working to get the film from the Facebook. He has, however, no information about how the contact with the social networking service.”

” We are working to ensure the information. I don’t know how time to get your hands on any material possible, but we have investigators that are looking at it here. The case continues to require significant resources for us and many hearings should be held.”

“– The family members who are left are in great grief.”

“In emergency situations or thoughts of suicide, always call 112.”

“► Mind Självmordslinjen 90101”

“Hotline for persons with thoughts of suicide. Open at 06-24 every day. Tel: 90101.”

“health care advice and information on the nearest psychiatric emergency room. Tel: 1177”

“Tel: 0771-22 00 60, all days at 13-22.”

“Tel: 112, all days at 21-06”


“► helplines”

“Tel: 08-702 16 80, all days at 21-06.”

“► Bris – Children’s right in society”

“Tel: 116 111, all days at 14-21.”

“adult helpline: 0771-505050, weekdays 9-12”

“► Spes – suicide prevention and victim support”

“Tel: 08-34 58 73, the telephone hotline every day 19-22.”