Eeklo A warehouse on the business park of Balgerhoeke in Eeklo, belgium, this morning around 10 am completely burned out. There were no injuries, but material damage is considerable. Because there is a oil tank and gas bottles in the shed, there was a while risk of explosion.

Around 11 o’clock had the fire brigade, the fire under control, but there was still a while nageblust. At 13.30 hours was back released. There would be no evil intent in the game. The public prosecutor has no branddeskundige appointed to help the cause to investigate.

The warehouse is owned by a plumber that the boiler insert. A truck, some gas bottles and oil tanks in the shed were completely burned out. The gas cylinders are, fortunately, did not explode. The nearby businesses were out of safety temporarily evacuated.

“There was a risk of explosion, so we are extra careful and had a” know politiewoordvoerder Marino Longeville. “Also the oil tank was destroyed by the flames. This created thick black smoke. The scheepvaartspolitie is for the safety on the water, went to the pleasure to inform that they are best away could keep.”

the roadway was for a while completely closed to the bluswerken to facilitate. The cause is currently no clarity. In order to extinguish the fire were firefighters from four different departments used. “The fire brigade of Eeklo has gain been given by three additional corps: Maldegem, Kaprijke and Aalter. They are mainly tankers with water is used, because we have a lot of capacity had to get the fire under control.”