A lawyer of the influential founder of the Kurdish workers ‘ party PKK, Abdullah Ocalan, calls after the Turkish attacks on the Syrian Kurds tougher international reactions. “Öcalan is still open to negotiations with the Turkish government,” said the lawyer, Mahmut Sakar, the daily mirror.
“about Both a ceasefire as well as about forms of Kurdish autonomy within the Turkish state.” The international community had to prevent the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to occupy North Syria: Erdogan prepares for an Invasion of the Rojava-called autonomy zone, in 2018 he had to let the Kurdish stronghold of Afrin occupy.
“Erdogan believes that the Kurdish movement with the war defeat,” said Sakar. “Much depends on how international forces conduct the attack on Rojava.” Rojava is ruled by the secular-Kurdish PYD, which is considered the sister party in Germany banned the PKK and in the fight against the Islamists that the United States has supported.
Since the US to remove troops, and negotiate Erdogan with Vladimir Putin about a Turkish invasion into Syria. Putin, Syria’s assistance to the Central government, the charges also claim to be the Kurdish region. The PYD is favored on the Syrian-Turkish border, a security zone of the United Nations.
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Susanne Güsten
Mahmut Sakar belonged to Öcalan’s arrest in 1999 to his first lawyers and now lives in exile in Germany. Ocalan sits in a Turkish prison island of a life sentence. For the first time in more than two years, he was allowed to receive recently to visit his brother. Politicians of the prokurdischen opposition party HDP are currently on a hunger strike to demonstrate against Ocalan’s prison conditions.
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