the Customer do not always know best, especially not when the customer believes that they have been affected by the disease or concerned for their child’s health. There, one can safely conclude. For the easily accessible läkartjänsterna on the internet has made great success – not primarily among the ill persons who find it difficult to visit mainstream health facilities, but among the parents of halvkrassliga children in the big cities.
the Matter is not made better by the fact that several of the major players are actively attracts customers – not patients – to search for banal ailments, but not cure. Like one of the larger nätläkartjänsterna, as announced in the Stockholm public transport system: ”Hello förskolesmittor, dagissjukdomar, höståkommor and förkylningstider. Meet doctor within 30 minutes – without leaving home.”
the fee is payable. But even then, it is, as at common visits to the doctor, the taxpayers who account for the bulk of the bill. Only in Stockholm, increased from 67 000 sek in June 2016 to 5 million in march 2017. And a national comparison gives at hand that the visits of nätläkare was five times more in november 2018 than the same month in the previous year.
”We are a cost-effective instance. Those who turn to us, had gone to their usual medical centre, or in the worst case, to an emergency room if we had not been around. It had cost the community more”, defended himself the spokesperson for one of the nätläkartjänsterna in an interview with SVT. But it is not true. This is ill-spent dollars.
On another test training gained the healthy child recipe of the controlled cough syrup.
is ill must sooner or later be investigated on the spot by a doctor, submit samples and receive care. For double läkarkonsultationer will also cost the double.
Persists, all other. Those who are just a little småsjuka. Or which is wrongly assumed to be ill – the obvious överförskrivningen of antibiotics in nätläkartjänsterna is well known.
When DN:s reporter ( 18/5 -17) pretended to have a feverish three-year-old, she gained self-examine the child and then describe what she saw and felt for the doctor, who diagnosed otitis media and tonsillitis. At another test training gained the healthy child recipe of the controlled cough syrup.
Ivo, now points out another risky group of customers: Simulanterna. Those who want to have different controlled drugs. Or just sjukskrivas. Schools have also blown the whistle on students who obtain ”free” by snörvla a bit in a video call with a nätläkare.
the Problems are many, but it is important to underline that they do not depend on technology itself, but on how it is used. And also partly on how the county councils themselves do not have used it.
the two major differences between the many years of service 117 17 Vårdguiden and nätläkartjänsterna. The first is to Vårdguiden is staffed by nurses, rather than doctors. The second is that the help is just going to get over the phone or e-mail.
Vårdguiden should of course also be equipped with webcams. Add to that an opportunity for its nurses to refer patients on to nätläkare or health care institutions, health care has relieved himself and made himself more available to patients.
be the health and medical services act states: ”the one who has The greatest need for healthcare shall be given priority access to health care.” This principle, after all, bring defeat, when the residents themselves are expected to do the medical assessments of their care needs and their symptoms.
To lower the threshold to treatment is therefore a good idea. But the lowest threshold is not necessarily the best.