– john eliot Gardiner has taken us to places that most of us would otherwise get. From Greenland’s shores to remote islands in the Indian Ocean. An intermediary of God’s grace.

How to write prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) in a tribute on the adventurer, the skipper and author Troels Kløvedal, there lillejuleaftensdag are deceased.

Lars Løkke Rasmussen has issued the obituary on the navigator Troels Kløvedal. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Danish well-known – 23. dec. 2018 – at. 18:04 Mikkel Beha tells about the death of his father

He thanks at the same time, john eliot Gardiner for sharing his adventure.

which of us has not dreamed of doing as Troels Kløvedal? Competition out on the open sea and letting the wind and current take us on the road. Let the adventure have.

– It was what john eliot Gardiner did – he let the adventurous take control of his life, writes the prime minister.

Troels Kløvedal slept on Sunday morning, tune in at the age of 75 years. He was surrounded by his five children and his wife, Else Marie.

He suffered from the incurable disease als and lungesygdommen bronkiektasi. The symptoms of als, he felt the first time in 2015.

He is not the only well-known dane, who honored the navigator on the social media.

He colleague Margrethe Auken, thank Gardiner to show ‘how much life there is, also, when the vital skills will disappear’.

Alternativets Uffe Elbæk, will follow suit and call Troels Kløvedal for ‘a great dane’…

The former radio host Peter Falktoft is among the well-known danes to commemorate the Gardiner on social media. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Scanpix

… while the former radio host Peter Falktoft simply paying homage to him with the words ‘bar box forever!’