“Demi Lovato: ”Sober and grateful to be alive””

“Now, breaking the american singer Demi Lovato the silence after the drogöverdos as near cost her life in the summer.”

“In a series of posts on Twitter, tells Lovato that she rest at home with his family and that she feels grateful to be alive.”

“”All my fans need to know that I am happy and clean and SO grateful for their support,” she writes.”

“at the same time she goes to attack against tabloidtidningar, which, she claims, spread rumours about the incident.”

“”One day I’ll tell the world exactly what happened and why. But until I’m ready to share with me, please stop snoop and find shit about things you know nothing about,” she writes.”

“It was in July that Lovato was taken as an emergency to hospital in Los Angeles after an overdose. After a couple of weeks, she went on to transfer to a beroendeklinik, as she came out from in november.”