There are several reasons that employees of the public employment service to report what they spend their time on. The three most important are:
• a Basis for planning, follow up and distribute our work and our resources. In addition, provide the basis for follow-up work environment, workload and division of labor.
• be Able to demonstrate to the citizens how we use our resources and what results we achieve.
• Provide a better basis to our clients – the government and parliament, on how we use our resources.
Göran Sundström draw a picture of the time reporting we have recently introduced in completely other terms. The picture he paints is a resource-intensive and bureaucratic reporting time, which steals the staff time and, from their perspective, ”creates a sense of surveillance and distrust”
I am strongly against his conclusions. The vast majority of our employees use a handful of different activities in the week to describe his work. I dare say that there is not a single employee who shred their working week in the way that Gunnar Sundström claim.
Rather, the understanding that we have adopted, from the reasons I mentioned above.
Since the 2015 engaged in the employment an active tillitsarbete, which we term förnyelseresan. Within the framework of the we have worked hard to eliminate pinn-hunting, and micro-management.
instead, we have created better conditions and greater scope for employees to make professional assessments. We are also well aware of the Tillitsdelegationens work, which we have followed with interest, then the delegation began its work. It may be mentioned that the employment service is one of the five selected agencies who work together with Tillitsdelegationen and where the employment service is an example of an authority who has worked a long time with just tillitsbaserad governance and management. This has obviously not Göran Sundström has taken to itself, which can seem to be strange.
Lastly I want to point out that we are far from alone among the authorities of the country to use a time accounting system. We have, however, been slow to adopt it.