emergency Services during the night to Monday, when there came a message that there was a fire in a sveisevogn in the tunnel. Workers evacuated themselves, and no people came to harm.

– We have confirmed that all is there, and there is no injury. But the fire department says it burns quite vigorously in the cart. The tunnel is also quite smoky, and the smoke out at Helsfyr-side, said operasjonsleder Christian Krohn Engeseth to the NTB by 03 time.

Residents in the area were asked to close the windows. There were bottles of propane and acetylene on sveisevognen, which stood around 300 metres inside the tunnel.

Just before the clock 04 enlightened the police that one or more bottles had exploded, which led to several panes of glass at Helsfyr T-station was blown out.

send in the drone

It was sent into a drone in the tunnel, so that the fire department could see if it was safe to get into. By 08.30-time was the fire extinguished and they could get into the tunnel.

– As dronen was sent in and approached the cargo, crashed it. But we got just good enough pictures to see that we could take us in, ” says innsatsleder Knut Halvorsen.

on Monday the reports Sporveien that geologists should check the condition of the mountain around the T-banetunnelen after the powerful fire and explosion.

They will also check the rails, power and signalling systems and other communication that goes through the tunnel.

Full stop

Glass put in the morning hours on Monday up the bus for the subway on the stretch between Brynseng and Tøyen. The stations at Helsfyr, Ensjø and Løren Metro station was closed.

Just before the clock 15 is, however, T-banetrafikken in Oslo back as normal.

– We opened the track for a just over quarter of an hour ago, ” says Jan Rustad, communications consultant at Sporveien, to Dagbladet at 14.45.

– The decision we took after that both the geologist and our people reported that it was safe. It has gone better than we had feared, ” says Rustad after the dramatic incident in the night.

– Is there any damage that needs to be rectified?

– No, when we had not opened the tracks again. There still remains some cleaning, and there is probably some residue that must be cleaned away, but it is not something that makes it unsafe to open for traffic again, ” he says.

efforts are being made right now to find out how the fire originated. Sveisevognen that caught fire, had no work at the site in advance.