Work on the new road out of Oslo was supposed to start next year, writes NRK.
– We don’t get money from the state budget, now we put all the activity, confirming the project director Svein Røed of the Norwegian public roads administration.
A new hovedåresystem between Lysaker and Asker is a priority project in the National transport plan 2018-2029.
There are a set of funds to initiate the project which will be built in three stages with arrears bompengeinnkreving in each leg. The first leg from Lysaker to Ramstadsletta was scheduled to be built in the period 2019 to 2024.
At the end of last week, however, Vegvesenets subcontractors told that they no longer can bill for the project from the 1. January. Røed is concerned that the whole project must be shifted out in time.
the Project is like a large tanker, and it costs to start up again with new people at a later date, he notes.
the party’s Tonje Brenna sitting in the group as the retailer forward Oslopakke 3 between Oslo, Akershus and to the state. She calls it insane that the Parliament require local agreement about the tolls, so as to not keep his part of the agreement.
local politicians have to take the load to impose tolls and so will not transfers as promised. It is to fool motorists, and it actually goes no way, she says to NRK.