the Government insists on setting up new 400-kv lines. But the coming of the criticism in the meeting to allow burial of parts of them, as well as the existing 150-kv lines in the South – and west Jutland.

It happens after widespread criticism from, for example, local Venstreborgmestre. They are opposed to the establishment of more overhead and will instead have them dug down.

But it is only possible for 15 percent of the 400-kv wires according to state energy Networks, which is backed up by an impartial expert.

minister of Energy, Lars Christian Lilleholt (V) said at a news conference in Esbjerg, he will have significantly fewer masts and overhead power lines in South and west Jutland.

– I and the government would have liked, we could allow burial of it all. It is not technically possible. Therefore, we’ve found this solution, which is the gentlest method possible, he says.

today is 8000 homes in the area within 500 feet of a air line, but when nedgravningen is implemented, and the new 400-kv lines are set up, the number will be decreased to 900 homes.

The 170-kilometer-long power line from the Idomlund in Holstebro goes to the Danish-German border.

It is estimated to cost 1.4 billion dollars, as a political majority can agree to find over the tariffs. It will mean an annual additional cost of about five dollars for an ordinary household.

Overall it will mean a reduction of transmission lines from 324 kilometres today to about 145 kilometers.

The greatest possible proportion of the future 400-kv cables to be dug down.

energy Networks has previously determined that it is not justifiable to running of cables more than up to 15 percent corresponding to 26 kilometers of the total of 170 kilometres of new 400-kv lines.