The crimes have occurred, inter alia, in Joensuu, Kuopio and in Turku in 2017. Fraud, criminal conspiracy investigation is completed and it moves to the prosecution.Police from the fraud criminal conspiracy of the trail joensuu seller thanks to the vigilance. Jenni Gästgivar

the Joensuu police investigating the fraud in this case is about the fact that the suspected persons were in the spring of 2017 purchased in the helsinki metropolitan area the construction companies. This after they had bought different products of the company in the name of, inter alia, in Joensuu, Kuopio and Turku.

the Fraud in this case contains a total of 20 criminal notice and thirty different criminal titles. Criminal assets worth several tens of thousands of euros.

the Property is involve phones, laptop computers as well as tools and various building supplies. Part of the property has been seized, but a large part of the property is missing.

Products in addition to the name of the company had taken short-term loans. Police suspect that the company name of the acquired products had no intention of paying, but was intended to convey forward.

the seller’s suspicions were awakened

the Police get vast fraud criminal conspiracy of the trail when in one of joensuu’s trade of business in the dealings, the seller had attached to the above described activities of the attention and begun to suspect the men’s true intentions.

the Men were tried in this trade to acquire a company on a riding lawn mower.

during the preliminary Investigation has been imprisoned: a 20-year-old turku, finland, 19-year-old chemical järvelä and 37-year-old raisio kind of man. In addition to the crime a suspect is several other individuals. Part of the suspects has admitted to criminal activity.

Eastern Finland police told reporters on Friday that the fraud investigation is completed and the case will proceed to prosecution in the Eastern Finland public prosecutor’s office.