“Climate change is one of today’s main challenges” (Siv Jensen, Thursday in the Ministry of finance)
Siv Jensen received Thursday this week the report from the Klimarisikoutvalget, which we have featured on kommentarplass several times this week. She came late to the cast, and went early, but the short moment she was there, she came with a few, well-chosen words, including the quote that introduces this commentary.
the progress party’s commander set thus, behind the official policy. Norway – including the progress party’s finance minister – recognizes the scientific consensus that climate change is an existential threat. Thank goodness!
But behind the scenes, it is more frayed. Beyond on the outer right wing in Norway and in other countries, grown in two political points of view that do not have logical consistency: the Great resistance against immigration, and against the mitigation. The inability to see the two issues in context, is strange.
It has long been known that climate change will lead to increased flyktningestrømmer. Now turn the predictions to. A new report from the American Meterological Society says that handle the extreme weather we have seen over the last couple of years, agrees with the estimates in the first report from the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change in 1990. Climate change is here, and we see the results: In 2017 were 16.2 million people forced to flee because of war and conflict, while 18 million had to flee because of klimarelatert weather. The last figure does not include those who have fled across borders. Thus, the real difference between those who have had to flee because of climate change, against those who have had to flee because of war and conflict, even greater.
Climate is the main driver behind the refugee and migrasjonsutfordringene in the world today. Why does not the progress party’s immigration spokesperson in Parliament, and demands intensified efforts towards the release? Larger cuts at home, and higher ambitions internationally!
Jon Helgheim, called the man who currently has this role in the progress party. He is usually high and low in the news, but this week he has been especially busy. Not to follow on the Un klimaforhandlinger in Katowice, where envoys have struggled to agree on the rules for the follow-up Paris agreement. An agreement that is absolutely necessary for the world to be able to cut emissions and avoid catastrophic climate change that among other things, will send millions to flee.
– It is now we’ll see if the world is willing to translate science to action
Helgheim have been busy on another hold. With to front the party’s opposition to the Un migrasjonsplattform. It is not legally binding, and is subordinate to the Norwegian laws. Still have some built-in contradictions in the contractual wording created a wild debate. Frp’s lokallagsleder in Arendal accused in last week Erna Solberg for the “treachery” of the prime minister’s gjestevegg on Facebook, before the prime minister saw it necessary to close it. To this newspaper expressed Jon Helgheim understanding of the accusation from his partikollega: “We must stop going after people because of the word of god and twists. I understand that people are frustrated”
a Little bit of “treachery”-claims internally between regjeringspartnere, must be okay.
progress party’s immigration spokespersons are effective agitatorer, but they use them not to campaign for klimasaken. It is of course a reason to. Jon Helgheim is a so-called klimaskeptiker. He believes in climate change, but “not that we the people affect very much”. It is thoroughly refuted. The consequences of these attitudes are also described in detail in the report that partilederen his got handed down this week.
outlines , three scenarios for the future. A “successful climate policies”, as the way it is described is so far from the progress party stands for. A “late transition”. And with “dramatic climate change”.
The latter scenario follows the line of the conservative party’s policy. No tightening of climate policy, and thus still increased emissions. Here is what Klimarisikoutvalget writes about the consequences: “the Major ecosystems (coral reefs, wetlands and forests) are destroyed. Dry spells without historical precedent occurs, and affects areas such as the Midwest in North America, Eastern Europe and Russia at the same time. This results in strongly rising food prices and reduced food security. Tropical cyclones with extreme strength and storm surge destroys low-lying coastal areas, such as parts of Florida and Bangladesh. Poverty, hunger and conflict increases significantly in scope”.
Refugees migration is a challenge, which must be handled in such a way as is possible for individuals, countries and regions. But it would have been very much easier if those who fear immigration the most, also recognized the basic drivers. Think about the outer right could mobilize against climate change? This blind spot on the outer right, we can feel free to call one of our contemporary political main challenges.
So far have not Jon Helgheim followed with in the hour. Thus he has also not done its job.
– You don’t listen to us. You did never