French president Macron has decided to increase the tax on motor fuels over the next year to reduce consumption and mitigate climate change. Many feel affected by this, in particular when diesel is raised almost to the american level.

France has a significantly larger rural population than Sweden and on a public transport, which can not take care of all the transport outside urban areas. Therefore, the necessary person – cars still in the big areas. When fuel prices rise sharply, as they have done in the past year, it gives rise to dissatisfaction.

in order to reduce the car klimatförstörande effect. Emissions of carbon dioxide from the engines increases the greenhouse effect and global warming, which also affects France. But it is not so easy to understand the link between fuel prices and the climate crisis.

There is a solution to the conflict. It’s called ”fee and dividend” and means that the revenue from increasing the diesel tax is distributed to all adult frenchmen. Each month, you also get back a sum, as compensation for the rise in fuel prices.

also be able to use in order to make itself less dependent on fossil fuels by investing in a fossil-fuel-free car, reduce the house’s energy requirements through better insulation or the like.

this solution already exists in some places in the world, and planned on more. And perhaps it is not too late to introduce the system also in France. With such a repayment every month would the angry car owners have probably never taken on their yellow vests. And the climate would feel better.