He was for over a decade, one of the closest Confidants of the current U.S. President. Now trump’s Ex-lawyer, Cohen was sentenced to imprisonment – among other things because of tax evasion and false statements.

The Ex-lawyer of the US President, Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, has been convicted of illegal hush money payments in the order Trumps, tax evasion and false statements before the Congress to three years in prison.

A Federal court in New York imposed the sentence on Cohen, among other things, for tax evasion and false statements before the Congress, as the transmitter CNN reported. The prosecution had called for a “substantial prison sentence”.

Cohen is cooperating with FBI special investigator Robert Mueller, to investigate whether there has been in the presidential campaign of 2016, the collusion of the Trump camp with representatives of Russia. Trump rejects it and speaks of a “witch-hunt”.

U.S. President Trump: His former lawyer was sentenced to a prison sentence.

“Take full responsibility”

Mueller Cohen had attested to tell the truth. Cohen spoke at the hearing itself before the court. “I take full responsibility for every deed, to which I have pled guilty: my personal and those of the President of the United States of America was involved,” Cohen said, according to CNN. He saw it as his duty “to cover up its dirty deeds”.

Cohen had given to, among other things, to have the US Congress in connection with a planned but never-realized project Trumps in Moscow lied to. Accordingly, the project was followed far in the election campaign of 2016 – contrary to what Cohen originally specified.

Cohen admitted in a separately from the Russia-investigations, a Prosecutor in the New York proceedings, to have hush money to the Ex-Porn actress Stormy Daniels and indirectly to at least one other woman during the election campaign, in 2016 paid. Both women admit to having Affairs with Trump. Trump denies the.

“intent to influence the presidential election”

The Prosecutor’s office proceeded from the fact that Cohen has acted in both cases “in consultation with and under the leadership of the” Trump and looks in the cash flows from the October 2016 illegal campaign aid.

The prosecution was convinced that “Cohen was the intention, to influence the presidential election in 2016.” The Prosecutor looks at the “secret and illegal” payments as a campaign aid, because they had been made, in order to mitigate Trumps election chances in 2016.

Cohen also had to pass the tax, and false statements to banks – however, the Prosecutor’s office was not expected that he was fully confessed.

Three years in prison for trump’s Ex-lawyer Cohen
Georg Schwarte, ARD New York
12.12.2018 18:37 PM

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