Norwegian TV2 told Petter available as northug was quit handsome ski career.Norwegian media according to Petter available as northug stop skiing career. AOP

– Petter is wise. He’s likely had enough. He has won enough already. Now he wants to enjoy the skiing and training. He looked forward to the new challenges towards the TV2 Johan Kaggestad said.

available as northug keep tomorrow in Trondheim a press conference, where he told myself plans for the future.

the Former ski-king is now almost out of shape. Available as northug is not fit anymore this season, the Norwegian ski team. Man games have gone under the seat up to the national level.

the 32-year-old super star has won in his career with two olympic gold medals and 13 world championship gold medal.

a Few days ago an expert Toni Fools petiole available as northug’s the current status: returning man to the top?

available as northug’s olympic gold medal, the amount fixed at 22.59.