This is its twelfth consecutive drop and its lowest level in more than two years, thanks in part to the fall in the price of gasoline, which has gone from $4.66 to $3.54 in the last year.

Core inflation, which excludes the price of energy and fresh food, has closed the sixth month of the year with an increase of 4.8%, five tenths less than the previous month.

Food became more expensive by 5.7% year-on-year, while energy was 16.7% cheaper in June than a year ago.

In monthly rates, the general variable of the index has experienced an advance of 0.2%, which represents a slight rise of one tenth, while the underlying variable has been contained at 0.2%, a decline of two tenths since the previous record and its lowest figure since August 2021.

The 3% inflation rate, just one percentage point above the Federal Reserve (Fed) target.

The institution led by Jerome Powell kept interest rates frozen at its last meeting on June 14, until placing them in a target range of between 5% and 5.25%.

The next meeting of the institution will take place on July 26.