An expedition to an isolated indigenous tribe in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, is in her plan succeeded. This is reported by Funai, the government agency for the protection of the indigenous population, yesterday.

On Facebook shows Funai photos of members of the Korubo-etnie, together with members of the expedition, which was supported by the public service and the ministry of Health. The expedition was the largest of its kind in more than two decades. They consisted of thirty persons, among whom were members of the Korubo and other native groups.

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The expedition traveled to the remote Javarivallei in the far north of Brazil, more than 1,300 km of Manaus, the capital of the Amazonas state. She hoped the two tribes in the region to reconcile, the Korubo and Matis. Since 2014, would have confrontations between the two tribes 17 deaths. the

The expedition left from a Funai base on the ItuĂ­ river on march 3, to the smaller Coari river. So she traveled to the Korubo area. The expedition members remained nine days in quarantine for the Korubo would meet. In that way, had to be avoided that they, the locals would infect them with diseases.

The first meeting, with two Korubo-hunters, happened on 19 march. The expedition met afterwards, all of the 34 Korubo. They were medically checked and vaccinated. All proved healthy, a man with malaria.

Such expeditions are not without controversy. Some Brazilians are afraid that they are the extreme right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro undertake will be to encourage more indigenous territories open up for economic development.