On Monday, Emma Carlsson Löfdahl that she’s leaving the Liberals, but retains his seat in parliament as a maverick. It means that she has the right to retain riksdagsarvodet on 66.900 per month – during the entire term of office, and without the attendance requirement.

– if you Are elected, you are, ” says Maria Naglitsch on the parliamentary unit for Ledamotsadministration.

the 48-year-old politician all to win at to sit until she turns 50 next fall because she will be entitled to the most generous contract, the full guaranteed income – until she becomes 65 years of age.

It means that she is getting 80% of riksdagsarvodet in the first year and then 66% of the fee from year two.

– It is to be paid out until the month before you turn 65 years of age, ” says Maria Naglitsch.

If Emma Carlsson Löfdahl instead dropped out of the mission in the day she had received a guaranteed income for five years, a total of approximately 2, 2 million, because she just reached the limit of 40, but not 50 years, and has been a member for six years.

By sitting still, with the term out can Emma Carlsson Löfdahl get around 9.9 million dollars of taxpayers including riksdagsarvode and guaranteed income, i.e. just over sek 7 million more than if she retires now. This without having to do anything.

other revenue decreases, however, the amount of inkomstgarantin.

the System of guaranteed income for mps has received much criticism and was made in 2014 on the financial transition support, which is far from being as generous. The new system applies, however, only those who have been newly elected in the 2014 election.

the DN has searched Emma Carlsson Löfdahl.