Roeselare Doctor Willem Stockman, spoedarts within hospital AZ Delta, on Saturday, may 4, unexpectedly died. He was 52 years of age.

The doctor was a very well known face in Roeselare. He was one of the leaders of the merged emergency room within AZ Delta. Together with his team, he already gave more than fifteen years, training first aid, and he saw it as his personal mission to get as many people as possible to learn cpr. In function of these he went often to schools, businesses, and associations to people, all about to learn. In 2018 he was for his commitment still voted Personality of the Year at the Roeselare Awards.


The hospital is responding reports on the news. “Doctor Stockman was a figurehead within AZ Delta, and we are given his young age are all very excited by his death,” says communications officer, Kristien Beuselinck. “He was a senior doctor within the emergency department (ed) and a very active and well known man. He meant not only for the hospital and his patients, but he was also very busy with cpr and the importance thereof. At the request of the family, we will communicate no further on his death.” The hospital will discuss Monday morning whether or not there is a book.

The doctor was in his younger years, active in youth movement KSA, where he led mayor Kris Declercq. He reacts, startled. “I got him last week Sunday, was seen in Westouter, where we are in the context of 90 years of KSA Rumbeke were present. Then We together still have great memories retrieved. Not to mean that he now no longer is,” said the mayor. “I remember him as a good leader. He always had a twinkle in his eyes and you could be enchanted with his profession.”