Super-opa crosst op longboard voor KiKa: Van noordelijkste naar zuidelijkste puntje Nederland

Er zijn mensen die nooit lijken te stoppen. Zo is Arthur Dijkstra zo'n persoon. Hij doorkruist ons land op een longboard om geld in...

Welk slaaptype ben jij: beer, wolf, leeuw of dolfijn?

Wanneer het op slapen aankomt, hebben verschillende mensen verschillende behoeften. Sommigen functioneren prima met slechts vijf uur slaap, terwijl anderen minstens acht uur nodig...

Kledingtips voor warme werkdagen: wat wel en niet te dragen op kantoor

Met de zomer in aantocht veranderen ook onze kledingkeuzes, maar wat is eigenlijk passend om te dragen op kantoor tijdens warme dagen? Dit is...

Hoe om te gaan met gevoelens voor een collega als je getrouwd bent.

Patrick (39) heeft een dilemma waar hij graag advies over wil: hij heeft gevoelens voor zijn collega, maar is getrouwd. Hij beschrijft zijn vrouw...

B&B Vol Liefde: Kijkers verbaasd over onaardige Albert – ‘Ik zeg toch dat ik moe ben!’

Het etentje tussen Marijke en Albert in B&B Vol Liefde liep niet zoals gepland. Albert gedroeg zich bot en onaardig tegen haar, wat veel...

Het effect van alcohol op je hart en een mogelijke oplossing

Alcohol kan niet alleen schadelijk zijn voor je lever, maar ook voor je hart. Een avondje stevig drinken kan direct schade aan je hart...

Hoe Laila 27.000 euro spaarde: haar verhaal en tips

Laila, een 36-jarige leerkracht uit Vlaanderen, deelde haar spaarverhaal met ons. Ze heeft momenteel 27.000 euro op haar eigen spaarrekening staan en nog eens...

Understanding Hangxiety: What You Need to Know about Anxiety and Alcohol

Headache, dry mouth, feeling nauseous: all 'normal' symptoms of a hangover (if a hangover can be called normal). But some people also experience hangxiety,...

8 budgetvriendelijke activiteiten in magisch Cappadocië

Cappadocia is a region in Turkey known for its underground cities with cave houses, giant rock formations made of tuff stone, colorful frescoes, and...

Keeping a Beach Spot Occupied? This Spanish Coastal Town Imposes Steep Fines SEO Title: Spanish Coastal Town Imposes Steep Fines for Holding Beach Spots

With most people in holiday mode, it's time to head to your destination. Is that place in Spain? If it's the beach in Calpe,...

Confession: ‘I Prefer My Youngest Child’

Everybody has a secret, a white lie, something they prefer not to say out loud. In Metro's confession section, a Metro reader dares to...

Trump Addresses Nation for First Time Since Assassination Attempt SEO-friendly Title: Trump Addresses Nation After Assassination Attempt

Donald Trump officially accepted the Republican Party's nomination for the upcoming presidential election in November. He made the announcement during the Republican Convention in...

Reducing Holiday Crowds: Strategies for Managing Tourism Flow

Are you planning a vacation soon? You are not alone. This coming weekend, the roads and airports will be busy again. So-called wildcard days...

Hilarious ‘Snot Rag Scandal’ in B&B Vol Liefde Leaves Viewers in Stitches

Using each other's handkerchiefs must be true love. At least, that's what Robert Jan and Els from B&B Vol Liefde believe. Els seems to...

Logé zonder rijbewijs is dealbreaker in B&B Vol Liefde: ‘Dan ga ik terug naar huis’

The latest season of B&B Vol Liefde started on Monday, and it's been a hit once again. Last night, we saw the first date...

EU demands Russia take responsibility for MH17 ten years later – New Developments and Updates

Russia must take responsibility for the MH17 disaster ten years later, emphasized the European Union. The Russian authorities should fully cooperate so that justice...

Nick’s Savings Account: How I Bought a House at 21

How much money do you have in your savings account? That's the question we ask a different Dutch person every week. Because even though...

Crowdfunding voor slachtoffers moordaanslag Trump: Donaties stromen binnen

The crowdfunding campaign for the victims of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has raised $800,000 within a day. The campaign was...

Seksuologen delen sekstrends: Meer erectieproblemen door masturberen en porno

Sexuality and our views on sex are constantly evolving and changing. Sometimes these developments are positive, and sometimes they are less positive. Four sexologists...

How to Identify Hidden Names Used by the Food Industry to Trick You – Tips and Tricks

Eating healthy nowadays is quite a challenge, considering all the highly processed food in supermarkets. Food producers also don't make it easy for you,...

Confession: ‘I Deliberately Don’t Scan All My Groceries at the Supermarket’

Everyone has a secret, a little white lie, something they'd rather not say out loud. In Metro's confession section, a Metro reader dares to...

One Life-Saving Tip Shared by Helpers: A Must-Know for Everyone

You never hope to experience it, but in the event of an accident, medical emergency, or other crisis, every second counts. Helpers share an...

2 Ways Business Directors Can Help Improve Work-Life Balance

One way to ensure that you can rest easy outside of work is to take care of your company’s insurance. Being a company director,...

Unexpected Plot Twist in Finale Leaves Allies Viewers Surprised and Disappointed

The latest cycle of the game show The Allies reached its climax last night with a finale. The contestants Rick and Robert competed for...

Breaking the Cycle: How to Stop Falling for ‘Wrong’ Types – Relationship Advice

Are you dealing with a pressing issue and want to hear someone else's opinion? Every week, Metro shares a reader's dilemma. This week, we...

Johan Derksen Reveals Unique Anecdote About 1994 World Cup: ‘Why Bergkamp Has Fear of Flying’

Johan Derksen is known for his strong stories and last night on Vandaag Inside Oranje was no different. He shared an anecdote about the...

When to Call 112 and What to Say: Answers to Common Questions About Emergency Services

Do you know when you should call 112 and what you should say? Hopefully, you have never had to do it, but in case...

Criticism of Taylor Swift Video by PowNed on Vandaag Inside Oranje: ‘Extremely Tasteless’

Omroep PowNed faced heavy criticism over the weekend. An item in which Taylor Swift fans were asked how far they would go to meet...

Maaike’s Savings Account: ‘My Minimum Threshold is €22,000’

How much money do you have in your savings account? We ask a different Dutch person this question every week. Even though we talk...

How Much Money is on 1 Million Grocery Gift Cards in the Netherlands?

The Dutch Red Cross has distributed over 1 million grocery gift cards in the Netherlands since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020....