The initiative to come to terms with colonial history is launching a competition to critically examine the Bismarck monument in Hamburg. “The artistic competition should give rise to concrete ideas on how the meanings and references of the monument can be made visible,” said Senator for Culture Carsten Brosda (SPD) on Thursday. The Hamburg Historical Museums Foundation implements decolonization projects in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Media.

The jury wants to decide on the winning design of the competition in early 2023, in which the monument in the Old Elbpark is to be placed in a historical context. The first prize is associated with 15,000 euros. Brosda emphasized that several workshops had already laid an important basis for the urgently needed critical examination of the monument.

Since it was erected in 1906, the monument has stood for a multitude of meanings. “Today it is understood by many as an expression of an authoritarian and colonial tradition,” says the competition announcement. The 34 meter high building has been a listed building since 1960. According to the Hamburg-Mitte district office, it is currently being renovated.

The left and several initiatives had criticized the renovation. Otto von Bismarck’s (1815-1898) role in German colonial policy was undisputed, said Norbert Hackbusch, the spokesman on cultural policy for the left-wing faction last year. The Chancellor also stands for the anti-democratic, militaristic and repressive orientation of the German Empire.