The Vera City Council Municipal Socialist Group has released some data from the Annual Financial Control Report, prepared by the municipal accountant. It includes permanent control and public audit activities that are legal obligations and those that are chosen based on a risk analysis.

Martin Gerez, the socialist spokesperson in the municipality, explained that the contracts for works and services “constitutes the core of the very severe report” and that the “controller himself, the PP makes excessively use of minor hiring to repeatedly hire the same object for many years.”

The PSOE spokesperson explained that this type of contracting can limit the concurrence of bidders and that in many cases the council may not be able to benefit from the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of contracting if open competition procedures are followed.

“To understand what this assertion by controller means, we need to remember that 356 minor contract were made this year for over 1,200,000 euros. This is an additional cost for the City Council, which we estimate at approximately 250,000 thousand euros.

It’s about “dozens upon inflated budgets and limit of law for this type contract -15,000 or $40,000 depending on whether it’s Services or Works-, suspicious sections to avoid tendering and favor certain suppliers and allegations of non-existent exclusivities with a similar purpose and often motivated only by ‘because the so and so councilor says so’.